Monday, March 30, 2009


The new MLMer faces a daunting task...and competition...when it comes to "advertising". Finding that "best combination" of time, effort, and money is a growth experience. Rarely will it just (self and provided) plus mentoring (if available) are important factors and hopefully a fact of life. However, "advertising" is not impossible. How you "advertise" or "share" can take many forms. There are free and inexpensive methods that do work. It's a matter of finding those that work for you.

For example:

1. Writing and submitting ezine articles is an excellent method. It requires time & effort...but no money. The benefits include increased link popularity for the url used in your sig box (important for search engine ranking), branding, and reach (you can "reach" more with an article than an ezine ad). Plus it's viral. Often your article is archived by publishers and directories.....available well after it was originally offered. Plus publishers and web masters will often "pick up" your
article...again well after you originally submitted it.

2. Business cards are always a good method...and more inexpensive than one realizes. You can even make your own. Just pass them out like candy....stores, church, ball games, local events, restaurants (leave 1 with your bill), businesses you frequent, networking meetings, local Chamber Of Commerce. The possibilities are only
limited by your imagination.

3. Flyers, posters, post cards, brochures, etc. can also be done very inexpensively. You can make your own on your PC or purchase custom or ready-made templates from numerous online providers. You could even strike up a joint venture with a local community provider. They print it for you and include their "advert" distribute.You both win, you pay less, and maybe influence that partner to be involved in your business.

4. Web decals on your vehicle(s) is another inexpensive method. Cost is about $40 each but the visibility is priceless.

5. Newspaper/magazine ads can be found that aren't going to cost an arm and a leg. Local publications are the best place to start. is an excellent source. For some services you may find College student newspapers and alumni magazines to be good performers. Of course there are the traditional ezine and magazine ads, leads programs, event booths, direct mailings, card decks, Forum participation, search engines, etc. Most of these will cost you money...all will cost you time & effort.

The key I believe is in being creative and sticking to what best fits your time, effort, money combination. It is and should be a personal choice. If the dollar "cost" doesn't give you the dollar "value" you hope for,keep looking. But don't EVER give up. Plus...diversify. Use multiple methods. Why limit yourself to just "one path"? Just remember to be honest, be helpful, be yourself....and have fun! Then pass it on!

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