Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Edit Pictures In Bulk Using FastStone

If you have a lot of pictures and want to convert (change the image format to another), resize (decrease the size of its pixels), crop (cut), etc. but do not want to edit one by one, try this program. Download here

Do the following:

- Open FastStone Image Viewer

- Choose a picture which will be convert. Can use Ctrl + Click to select the one-one, or press Ctrl + A to select all the images.

- Press the F3 (Batch Convert). After that a window will appear Batch Convert.
Choose the output format (image will be saved into what format), such as a jpg.
Press Settings to set the Quality etc.. To produce the image size small enough that the quality is quite good (for example, to upload to the website), I usually use 60-75 Quality.

- Choose the output folder. Images batch convert the results will be placed in this folder.
Select the Use advanced options (if you want me-resize, crop etc).

- Suppose you want to me-resize all images to be 500 pixels wide:
Option on Resize:
select Resize based on one side
select Predefined Side: Width
exactly: 600
You can work the other especial Options, such as Rotate, Crop, adjustments (please try your own). If you have finished making settings, press the OK button.

- Press Start button to start the conversion process. This program will run the conversion process for all files that you selected earlier, and directly displays the List with the size of the original information (Old Size), Size conversion results (New Size), and Ratio.

While waiting (if the image is a lot), you can drink a cup of hot coffee. ~ o) ~ o) With this program, your life will become easier. Imagine if you have 1000 images and have me-resize items. =))=))=))

Note: To resize a picture-me with more simple (without a lot of settings), you can also use ImageResizer from Microsoft Powertoys. Simply select the image from Windows Explorer, right-click menu and select Resize Pictures. I think this will be easier if you do not need cropping, convert to another format, or the image quality.

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