A funnel? Why are we talking about funnels? Let me explain by first looking at the definition of a funnel: “A conical utensil having a small hole or narrow tube at the apex and used to channel the flow of a substance.” Now, let’s imagine that you have a funnel that is floating out there in Internet space. With any of your Internet marketing, you are trying to capture consumers and put them into your funnel.
Of course, there is no real funnel, nor are you really “capturing” anyone. You are, however, doing all that you can do to capture email addresses and add them to your database. Once that database has been established (and continues to grow, of course), what are you going to do with the names? Send information and sell products!! With the funnel concept, you start out small and move them down the funnel to larger and more profitable products. Do these products have to be your own? No! Consider affiliate products or products you have licensed from someone else. Once you get a consumer’s email and get them to buy the first product, you use your autoresponder to send them 2 more informational pieces and then another product message.
If the first item they purchased exceeded their expectations, then they are more likely to purchase another item from you. And so it goes, one item after another, until you have “groupies” that purchase just about anything you send their way. In fact, they may want to talk with you individually and see you as a guru. Consider
Tony Robbins. He gets $1 million to be a personal coach! Now, I am not saying that you necessarily want to get as big as all that, but you can turn the marketing around so that you become the hunted rather than the hunter. The funnel will get people seeking you out for your skills and expertise.
Another way to gain their trust, beyond providing exceptional information is by giving a clear, no questions asked guarantee. Here’s mine:
You have an unconditional, lifetime, no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee! YOU ARE NEVER AT RISK! (By the way, not one person has yet to call!)
Beyond all of the Internet techniques suggested in this chapter, there is simply your own website. And your website can be another avenue to gain emails to put into your funnel. Your site needs to be informative and be “them-focused.” Your site can offer free stuff, which is an easy way to collect an email address and also provides an easy way for someone else to recommend your site to their friends: “Hey, Joe, I got this free report about Internet Marketing Techniques that is really great. Just go to www.reallygreatwebsite.com and get a copy!” Cha-Ching, one more email into your funnel! By the way, referred customers are more likely to buy. Why? They aren’t taking your word for it, but the word of someone they know and trust that has used your product!!
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